montagne computer campanile
Philological studies with M.A. degree, major in Sinology
- Chinese language, literature, culture and history of art -
at the East Asian Department of Zurich University
in cultural exchange with China
organizing projects in and about China
accompanying people to China
Chinese > German
English, Italian, Romansh
German mother-tongue, many years of experience,
professional translation of
correspondence, books, subtitles, websites, guides, leaflets and more
English > German
Italian > German
Romansh > German
Favourite fields
mountains, hiking, travelling
art, culture, history
cooking, food and drink
film, literature, architecture
writing, editing and proofreading of German texts
Soglio Translations
Regula Trauffer
Bügliet 106
CH-7554 Sent
Tel. & Fax +41 (0)81 822 10 21
Email: r.trauffer@gmail.com

And besides...